Saturday, November 27, 2010


I am sorry I haven't posted for a few days, between Thanksgiving and Black Friday I needed a break.  I have not been into all this holiday decor like I probably should be, but here is a pic of my Thanksgiving table.  I forgot to take a picture with the napkins and silverware, but it still turned out nice. 

I wasn't that creative, I just went to Marshall's.  It was all wicked cheap.  I got the gold pumpkins for two bucks a piece, and the runner was five.  I had everything else.  I threw it together last minute, like I have been saying, I am so not into holiday decor. (don't know why, please forgive me)
We ended up finally getting a flat screen TV Black Friday.  It is awesome!  LED, 46 inch, free blue ray player, so awesome!!

It is literally not normal, it's like nothing I have ever seen.  We watched Wizard of Oz last night, and it was like the first time I ever saw it.  We plan on putting it above the mantel with a cool frame around it.  It will be a little while though, not on the top of the to do list.  Can not wait!   

I also painted my clock over.  It didn't match the colors of my decor so I switched it up.  This is how it looks now, and I like it much better.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your thanksgiving table!!!! And Marshall's is awesome! They always have great prices. I have been slacking on all holiday decor. I didn't decorate at all for the fall, and I am still working on christmas stuff. I better get cracking! Thanks for stopping by!!!


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