Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Lame Post

Sorry, but the upcoming week expect even more lame posts.  With Thanksgiving black Friday around the corner I have too much on my plate to deal with.  I did a little shopping with my Mom today.  I should have been Christmas shopping, instead it was more like me picking out stuff I want from my Mom for Christmas. (she wanted it that way)  I did pick up one little thing for the house that I couldn't resist.  It was a tall ceramic owl.  Here she is.
I also picked up this pillow from Walmart awhile ago.  I can't get over the cute throw pillows they have.  I have never been a huge fan of Walmart, but this was from the Better Homes and Garden line.

I made this silhouette print of a deer off the computer and put it in a bright yellow frame.  I don't know why there are white lines through the deer, but I still like it.  It is fun for now and was free.  Free is for me!
On a side note, I wanted to say that my personal favorite HGTV show is Color Splash! David Bromstad is the bomb.  I love the way he decorates, and he is wicked funny.  I saw him on the show Bang For Your Buck too, and he literally was making me belly laugh.  He is pretty easy on the eyes as well.
I did learn one little tip from him the other day that I thought I would share.  You all probably know this already, but here goes.  He said that if you want a more feminine look in a room put books and accessories on an angle like so.

For a more masculine look, keep straight lines.  Like so.

I prefer masculine, anyway.  One more tip my mom told me today was if you want  one less thing to do on Thanksgiving day peel your potatoes the night before and place them in a pan with water.  The next day change water and get your boil on. 


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