I have been painting like you wouldn't believe. We decided we wanted to give the dining room a little update to match the kitchen. So we went with painting the bottom of the chair rail grey. I didn't want to go too dark because I wanted to make the room appear bigger. We went to Lowe's and picked up some grey/silver paint. I painted it, and it looked baby blue. (nothing against you blue paint people, but it's not my bag.) Here is what it looked like.
So, back in what we call around here the trenches, that is....... painting. I hate painting, sorry the mess and everything that goes along with it. We went to Lowe's again to get more paint, and I don't know why we go to Lowe's because we hate their paint, they are just close, and not too pricey. Noah picked out a darker grey color, so we went with that. What.... don't you guys let your two year old pick out paint for you? I was so nervous it would be too dark, but turns out we love it. We also purchased a new chair rail. This is how it looks now, and it matches the kitch perfect. FYI, I also got the purty tulips there too. Love!
You see that door in the left corner. It will be replaced soon with a tempered glass style soon. Now I'm going to show you a pic of the mudroom. I ended up painting it, spur of the moment yesterday. I don't think I realized what I was getting myself into. I just wanted a change. So here goes, here is the pic.

Your right I painted stripes. What a pain in the ass! I have never painted stripes before, and I actually feel like I had it easy because, I was actually painting on faux wood paneling and the lines are already there. I tried to do it without tape yesterday, not a good idea when your hand shakes, and you have two year old asking you to eat everything in the fridge every second. I used tape today, and it went much smoother. The picture below is how it looked before. It was a mess. I had painted it once before and thought we would be good and keep it clean, but as usual it was a dumping ground for shoes, recycling, and bottles. This time I have a better plan. Decorative wise I will be putting up a black sparkly chandy I had from my old dressing room. I will be redoing the cornice board window treatment in black leather, and new white shade. We also bought a peel and stick tile floor situation. We are going with that right now, because we plan on making that room bigger, and don't want to have rip out tile later. It was only like 30 bucks for the tiles, so an easy quick fix. I put a pic of tiles and chandy below.

This chandelier is really cute, just a bad pic. I think it will look good with those stripes.
That is the floor. I hope to have either the chandy or floor done tonight. Maybe both, now I'm just being silly.