Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Retro Sale Flyer

I am snowed in today.  I was looking forward to going to Goodwill today and getting something that I saw yesterday, but can't.  I did one little thing today, that I love.  I found an old ad from a newspaper to Kmart that I printed up and framed.  I love old retro items, especially Christmas ones.  Just looking at this ad you can see what a simpler time it was.  There were no doorbusters and not a ton of choices just basic items, that kids seem to love just as much as Wii games.  Here she is, click on pic to see the ads better.  This may be my Christmas card this year, folded with our names and Christmas cheer inside.  What do you think?


  1. That retro ad is awesome, truly worthy of being framed.

    I have a question for you up-north-in-the-snow folks. When you're snowed-in, or when there's "snow days", do you get compensated at work for these days?


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