Thursday, June 14, 2012

Docksta Table

I am so excited to show you my new craigslist purchase.  I got the docksta table made by Ikea.  I love this table!  It was listed for $40 and stated it was wobbly and and had some chipped paint on top she paid $179 for it.  I had looked up reviews of the table and lots of people had said the table was wobbly so I was nervous that Tom wouldn't  be able to fix it.  I don't know what I was thinking!  Tom can fix most anything.  He took it all apart and tightened all the nuts and bolts and this baby doesn't wobble at all.  We filled the chipped paint with wood filler, sanded, primed, and spray painted the top in glossy white.  Oh and the best part.... It was only $30, I talked her down $10.  I plan on using this as our new office / desk.  It isn't completely set up the way I want yet.  I am sure I will be changing it up a hundred times.  Check it out...

The white spots are where the chipped paint was.  The top of table is made with press board, so the only thing that really worked to fill those areas was white wood filler.  You should sand it down until you see the chip mark.

This will be a great place for me to get my blogging on.
A little black and white never hurt anyone.

Thirty bucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. It looks great. $30 is a great deal. I think Ikea would charge $100 just for shipping if you bought it new.

  2. The shipping would have been $357.00 to be exact.

  3. Will you please post an image of what the table looks like after you sanded, and spray painted it? I have this table and want to fix the scratches on the top as well ! Any other thing you might suggest for doing this?


  4. Yes, can you post more pictures?? I have the same problem..

  5. Hello, can you please help me understand the material of this table? The IKEA service here in Greece can't help me enough. Some say it is wooden some other plastic. Any help much appreciated!

  6. I just picked up this table for 5 dollars....lucky me. I'm going to switch the top out for my stainless steel capped tabletop. It's going to be awesome. Mid century update!


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